19th aluCine Latin Film+Media Arts Festival
October 3rd to October 6th, 2019.
The 19th edition of aluCine returns to Toronto this fall to heat up the city from the 3rd to 6th of October, 2019. This year’s 4-day festival will feature over 40 films presented at The Art Gallery of Ontario’s Jackman Hall, and CineCycle. Also, as part of our education program we are offering an Interior Low Budget Lighting Workshop taught by filmmaker Camilo Constain.
aluCine Toronto Latin Film+Media Arts Festival is Canada’s longest-running Latin American film festival. The festival functions as a vital outlet for emerging and established Latin American filmmakers living in Canada and abroad. Our year-round screenings, symposiums and workshops promote the development of Latin American film and culture. Thus, aluCine in all of its endeavours strives to transgress aesthetic, ideological and geographical borders, while transcending pre-established notions of representation as they pertain to Latin American culture in Canada.
The festival stands apart as one of the most comprehensive forums for independent Latin media makers in North America, with a deep focus on media artworks from Latin artists across Canada and the globe that operate outside of "popular" film and media programming. In exhibiting the best of Latin-Canadian and diasporic works, aluCine is positioned to place an emphasis on cultural representation within an international context.
Jackman Hall Cinema (317 Dundas St. W, Toronto)
CineCycle (129 Spadina Ave., Toronto)
Art Square (334 Dundas St. W, Toronto)
ALMA (1194 bloor street W,Toronto)
Admisión General/ General Admission: $10 - Estudiantes y Seniors con ID/ Students and Seniors with ID: $8
Galas de Apertura y Clausura/ Opening and Closing Gala: $15
Pay what you can events - PWYC / Paga lo que puedas (suggested donation/ donación sugerida $5)