Education Program


For over 20 years, Southern Currents has created many education initiatives to provide Latin Canadian artists with the necessary skills and knowledge to explore career opportunities in the media arts. Since 2008, we created programs such as our OUT N’ LOUD, PASO-A-PASO/STEP BY STEP Summer Video Production Workshop, Image-N-Accion, and conSECUENCIAS.

Our education program offers young individuals a unique opportunity to explore careers in the arts and cultural sector. Our goal is to ignite their creative spark, inspire visual expression, and empower them to embark on future film and video artistry endeavors, allowing them to voice their thoughts and concerns as both individuals and proud Latin Canadians.

Through this program, we aim to constructively channel participants' creativity and ideas. This educational initiative operates outside the traditional academic system, complementing their sociological and economic experiences.

Our primary objectives are to:

1. Cultivate a safe and supportive environment for creative exploration through video and film.
2. Foster peer support and mentorship, nurturing emerging talent.
3. Challenge stereotypes by encouraging the development of positive Latin Canadian imagery among local youth, audiences, and media.
4. Increase support for emerging Latin media artists, promoting their perspectives within broader art communities.
5. Foster communication and collaboration with like-minded organizations, strengthening the national network of media arts organizations.
6. Provide participants with the tools and guidance to complete film and video projects, offering hands-on learning experiences.
7. Empower youth with opportunities they may not have had before.
8. Utilize the medium for expression, self-reflection, and creation.
9. Instill in young minds the awareness that they possess innate creativity, enabling them to represent themselves and continue growing artistically.