Interactive Web Documentary

Pregoneros de Medellín

In the Colombian city of Medellín, street vendors’ shouts and songs entice visitors and create a unique urban atmosphere. In the interactive documentary project Pregoneros de Medellín, users move around the city by scrolling through streetwalk imagery, and gradually encounter five different street vendors. The soundscape of the city plays an integral part in the experience, as users are alerted that vendors are nearby when they hear their voices. The first character introduced is La Jale, who sells sweets. Users can click on her image and view three short documentary videos about her life. As users progress through the streets, they come upon several other characters: Líder, who sells mazamorra, a type of boiled corn; Pajarito, who has several jobs; Gaucho, who also sells sweets and experiments with new products; and a group from Papá Vanegas Corporación, a home for troubled men. Through a blend of traditional documentary video and interactive user experience, Pregoneros de Medellín highlights the diverse and powerful stories being told by the vendors of Medellín.

*Click on the picture to begin your jouney*